As my cat is purring contently next to me on the sofa, I am taking a moment to just take it all in. Yesterday, I had my last day at work, a place where I worked for the past five years and that had become a big part not only of my life, but of how I define myself as a professional in higher education. It was strange to leave my keys behind, knowing that after the door shut behind me, I was done, and I am no longer able to claim my office as my office.
I spent this last full day in the MD/DC area saying good-bye to some of my favorite places: the National Gallery of Art in DC, spending most of my time in the gift shop :-) Yes, I have certainly learned the all-American past time of spending and consuming very well over the last 13 years!!! And either there were a lot of German tourists in that place today, or I suffer from severe hallucinations, I kid you not, I felt as if heard German spoken every time I paused to look either at another item I really don't need but really want to have or to admire a painting.
By the way, the current exhibition on George Bellows, an American painter in the early 20th century, is phenomenal. Here is some more info on the show It will move soon to either New York or London.
I met my wonderful husband for lunch, and we made our way to another favorite place of mine, where I actually spent a lot of time while researching and writing parts of my dissertation: the Smithsonian National Museum of American History. On our way there, we stopped briefly by the National Gallery of Art's sculpture garden, where I dipped my feet into the large fountain/pool.
After a meeting with our immigration lawyer, who is always nice to chat with, David and I went home, resting for our final dinner at Mandalay in Silver Spring. Tofu Ohni Hin and Mango Salad all the way!!! I need to be nourished well to face travelling with our cat for what seems to me now an eternity!
Farewell to America, au revoir....