Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Juliet über den Wolken: How to travel with a cat on a plane

After many weeks of preparation, Thursday, September 13, marked the day of our official departure from the U.S., on route via Frankfurt and Hamburg to Lüneburg, my new home for the (at least) next two years. In addition to the two of us, six boxes carefully weighed at max. 50 pounds (with clothes, books, and other essentials for my new life in Germany), one carry-on suitcase, and two personal bags, the probably most precious cargo we were transporting, Juliet, our 11 or 12 year old cat, was being packed up into her new carrier. Resting slightly sedated with Bach's Rescue Remedy (tranquilizers and other chemicals are not recommended for pets traveling on the plane) in the especially for this trip purchased Sherpa Pet Carrier, Juliet was admired by the very friendly check-in staff at BWI. David and were sufficiently equipped with all the knowledge, and some, about how to travel with a cat. Seriously, google "travel with at on airplane" or whatever combination thereof, and I promise you that you can waste away your life!

Anyways, David and I had followed all the suggestions about pet travel. We even took Juliet in her new pet cab to the Mall the weekend prior to our departure, so that she could get used to the motion. In one of our personal items, we had a collapsible water bowl, some food in a Ziploc bag, a portable litter box, litter in a Ziploc bag, and the leash that came with our harness. Honestly, I always thought that putting your cat on a leach is probably one of the more ridiculous things in this world. Well, I stand corrected. We are able to take Juliet out of her pet carrier at BWI and Frankfurt, so that she would not have to be trapped in her carrier the entire duration of our travel, which ended up being a total of about 18 hours door-to-door.

Juliet and David relaxing at the BWI Internationl
Cat on a leash!
Juliet and her mobile home

1 comment:

  1. Love it, especially the pics! Keep us posted!!! From, Eileen G.
